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Effects of Advanced Beginner-Stage Nurses` Sense of Calling, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Retention Intention 연
Analysis of Art and Humanity Major Learners` Features in Programming Class 새로운 디지털 시대가 도래하고 학문과 산업
Hybrid PET/MR imaging of the heart: potential, initial experiences, and future prospects. 在过去10年中,PET/CT及其他联合成像
The Parenting Characteristics of Inexperienced Father and the Process of Becoming Father 본 연구는 ‘양육적 아버지’가 요
Novice Therapists` Difficulty Experienced in Counseling Session and Coping Process: A Qualitative Analysis 본 연구는 초보 상담
Novice Counselors’ Work Adjustment Experience 본 연구는 초보상담자의 직업적응 경험을 밝히고자 수행되었다.
A Qualitative Study on the Characteristics of the Parenting and Difficulties of an Inexperienced Mother who Nurtures an Infant 본 연
Qualitative Analysis of a Novice Therapist`s Outcome -Based on Helpful Experiences 본 연구는 초보상담자가 상담 장면에서
AQualitative Study on Beginning Counselors` Experience of Stress 본 연구는 초보상담자가 상담 장면에서의 스트레스
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